May 19, 2009

Scuse Me, While I Kiss This Guy...

I know it's been going very slow over here, but I'm very busy. I'm going to try to post more regulary, but I'm also studying for my exams so...


Pascalito's Way said...

Good luck with yr exams, exams are more important than blogging.
Grtz Pascalito


no way dude!smoking weed is more important than exams and blogging is more important than erhh...I dont know I am baked right now:)
no seriously good luck man you have the balls to do this right!

Charles D. Ward said...

Hey, it's already been quite a while since I saw you posting on this mofo. But I understand; I think we all have to slow things down sometimes and give our real lives priority. Good luck and hopefully see you around soon!