March 30, 2009

Have You Ever Seen The Lights?

Band: The Human Instinct
Album: Stoned Guitar
Origin: New Zealand (Auckland)
Genre: Psychedelic Rock, Hard Rock
Year: 1970

I don't know very much about them, but they are supposed to be legendary in New Zealand. What I do know is that this is a great record of seventies psychedelic acid rock. Enjoy!

"Aborigine guitarist Billy TK was the Jimi Hendrix of the Southern Hemisphere. He obviously took the lessons of the Master to heart and, on his albums with Human Instinct, took Hendrix's psychedelic approach to absurd new extremes. Not necessarily the greatest listening experience, but definitely the farthest "out" of any guitar psyche you're likely to ever hear. This album is one of the most important chapters of rock from that era. " (rockadrome)


ksn said...

ah, this looks excellent, thanks for uploading!
cheers from nyc, ksn

Anonymous said...

No problem, have fun with it!

Mars said...


Have you heard The Firebirds / 31 Flavors 'Light My Fire'? Totally over the top exploit-o-psyche acid damage but REALLY good when it's on and REALLY crap when it's off.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, sounds cool, never heard about them.

Anonymous said...

hey dude, billy tk isn't Aboriginal he's Maori, thought i should let that be known

Bryson M said...

Thaanks for writing