This is the trailer for the movie: 'Such Hawks Such Hounds: Scenes From The American Hard Rock Underground'. It features bands like Acid king, The Atomic Bitchwax, Brant Bjork, High On Fire, Kyuss, Nebula, Om, Saint Vitus, Sleep and Sunn O))).
This is what the myspace page for the movie says:
For every music fan who says rock ’n’ roll ain’t what it used to be; for every pundit who concurs with Hunter S. Thompson’s assessment of the music business as “a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free;” there are an equal number who will say that the business of creating and releasing innovative and satisfying music is as healthy as ever -- it’s just done on a smaller scale.
Such Hawks, Such Hounds is a testament to the vitality of rock music. Relying only marginally on nostalgia, it says that at any point in history, the music being made at that time is as worthy of attention as that of times past. It’s an introduction to a little-known subgenre and a realization of its cinematic possibilities.
Such Hawks tells a story that needs to be told. Since the Alternative Revolution of the early 1990s, there has been a heightened interest in music with roots in the underground, hence such excellent genre studies as Hype!, Scratch and American Hardcore. While a similar celebration of sounds held dear, Such Hawks captures a moment as it is happening.
Such Hawks explores the music and musicians of the American hard rock underground circa 1970-2007. Focus is on the psychedelic and/or ’70s proto-metal-derived styles that have in recent years formed a rich tapestry of unclassifiable sounds. The film charts the evolution of these styles and their creative components, while primarily serving as a character study of the musicians themselves -- artists on the fringes of both straight society and hip indie circles.
tac - Next
1 year ago
Wow, looks awesome. I'll have to check it out when it comes out.
I think it's already officially out, I'm not sure. But I don't think I'll be able to see it in Europe so I hope somebody puts it online. If you happen to find it, let me know.
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